Saturday, January 4, 2020

Teens And Their Effects On Children Essay - 2138 Words

Teens face many pressures that adults don’t take seriously. Their bodies are changing-they have to adjust to the new person they see in the mirror. They feel different and become interested in sex. Self-doubt is constant. They feel pressure to conform and fear radicle if they don’t. In the United States, every year Nearly 300,000 girls between the ages of 15 and 19 give birth and almost three percent of girls in that same age group, however, a third of them would not earn a diploma or a GED by age 22. By age 30 less than two percent will earn a college degree. Some of their babies are more likely to do poorly in school, have health problems, suffer from child abuse, and may even end up in jail, unemployed and may be teen parents themselves. This may be a continuing cycle of poverty and trauma that can last from generations to generations. Parents have far more influence over instilling values in their teens than any other persons; your input can make all the diffe rence! We can only achieve this aims through implementing appropriate sex education that covers safe sexual practice and use of contraception, abstinence or delay of sexual initiation, with the use of training in decision making and negotiating skills. The federal government, state, district, communities, parent, school administrators and teacher need to come together and plan how to resolve this epidemic. Education of these adolescent at all level is very important,Show MoreRelatedTeen Pregnancy And Its Effect On Children855 Words   |  4 PagesTeen pregnancy has been an ongoing social issue in the United States for many of years. Although the rate of teen pregnancy has decreased since the 90s, the United States is still the highest among industrialized nations. The US ranks at one and a half times higher than Great Britain, three times higher than Canada, seven times higher than Denmark and Sweden, and eight times higher than Japan (Azar 1). 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